Executive Team
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The professionals at Hayes & Simon have excelled for decades in many of the most shark-infested waters of the world because of our Global Experience - Local Connections and the love to win. We are different, we are proud, we are bold and we Win with clients. Search our professionals by name or check out our executive team below. The executive team, below, does not contain all members of the Firm, thus, Search our Professionals.
HS Simon professionals rank as top leaders by major rating agencies while the media regularly consults with us on major global business issue. Our internationally reputation is personified by the work of our professionals, testimonials and respect in the industries we serve.
Yvon, CEO/Counsellor
. . .thoughtfulness, relaxed personality goes a long way in helping clients come up with clear solutions to problems . . . highly recommended.
Kevin, Int'l Lawyer
". . . attention to detail, dedication to achieving goal by deadlines set, ability to communicate ideas and facts with clarity and understanding, or consummate professionalism to those in an outside the practice of law, he has served as my goal for what an attorney should be."
Tom , President MNC
Sean [Managing Partner] is a rare individual who has a remarkable grasp of both American and Korean Law as well as possessing strong linguistic skills . . .he stands out as being very strategic and client centric in action as well as promises. He really cares about his clients on both emotional and intellectual level, devoid of any cynicism that is too commonly found in this profession.
Desmond, President MNC
"I worked with Sean [managing partner] on investment projects in Cambodia and Korea. His attention to details in contracts, his handling of complex issues and his superior client support is second to none."