Firm News
Free Initial Consultation with a Lawyer
Investment in Distressed Assets in NY: Purchasing an Asset in Bankruptcy or via a UCC Foreclosure
Reverse Merger Compliance & Disclosure Requirements: SEC Compliance Basics
Starting Business in New York via a Joint Venture or Partnership Agreement?
Buying or Selling A Business in New York? Do Your “Due Diligence”
Understanding New York’s Business Judgment Rule
NY State and Federal Tax Exemption for your New York Nonprofit
SEC Regulation D – Private Offerings: NY Startup Law
Suing New York Banks in Equity: New York Equitable Accounting Remedy
When Must Your NY Business Agreements Be In Writing?
Liability of New York Shareholders for Unpaid Debt of a New York Company
Factors to Consider When Forming a Corporation in New York
Successor Liability Pitfalls in New York
Foreign Nationals Can Work for Their Businesses in New York
New York Reverse Mergers Basics
NLRB Judge Rules Chipotle Is Liable For Labor Violation For Enforcing “Unlawful” Social Media Policy
Breach of the Duty of Care in New York -Say Out of the Strip Clubs if you are using Corporate Funds
New NLRB Labor Rules Negatively Impact U.S. Franchises
Business Groups Sue Over U.S. Government Crackdown on Corporate Inversions
Filing a DBA Name In New York